A sheet of solid text makes a reader feel exhausted before they even start reading. As an undergraduate college student, I groaned every time a reading was assigned in my physiology textbook because the authors seemed to have challenged one another to fit as many words onto every page as possible. Double-spacing further spreads the letters and words out to help readers focus on and follow the lines of text.
In fact, Courier New is the font used when therapists help stroke victims relearn how to read. Monospaced fonts are among the easiest to read, regardless of age and vision challenges, with Courier New being the easiest of all. The reason 12 point monospaced fonts, double-spacing, and other spacing aspects are key to Standard Manuscript Format is readability. It says “I don’t take this opportunity seriously, nor do I respect the company (magazine, publishing house, etc.) enough to wear my nice shoes and slacks.” Authors should use Standard Manuscript Format to show they are professional.

Not using SMF is the equivalent of showing up to an interview for a high-level corporate management position in old jeans and flip-flops. By arranging a document in this way, authors are telling the person reviewing their writing submission that they did their homework and demonstrate knowledge of and respect for the industry standards. The first and arguably most important reason authors should use Standard Manuscript Format is to appear professional.

There are three primary reasons all authors should use Standard Manuscript Format whenever possible.