She may feel and incredible sense of shame, berating herself for not “living up to her potential”.” She may also be hypersensitive to her environment – the noise, the sights, even touch – and quickly become overloaded, “shutting down” and unable to function.

Managing her time can be quite a challenge, as well, and “running late” may be her norm. Problem solving situations can become overwhelming and she may often find herself stuck, experiencing a sense of paralysis, unable to move forward at all. It may be difficult for her to make firm decisions on even simple tasks, so that she seems wishy-washy and indecisive. She may have a hard time saying “no” to others, over committing to responsibilities that she cannot fulfill.

She may have a low tolerance for stress, feel extremely sensitive to criticism, and work hard to conform to adult expectations in hopes of gaining approval from others. It may take her a little longer to process information, so that she appears “slow” or “spacey” or “flighty”, when in fact she may be highly intelligent. She may have great difficulty keeping her focus on tasks, becoming side-tracked and easily distracted by things around her or even by her own thoughts. Instead she may present with more subtle symptoms such as being disorganized, scattered, forgetful, introverted, withdrawn and socially isolated. “A female with ADHD may be less hyperactive and less impulsive than her male counterpart.